"Joyería Salvaje" is a collection of five unique pieces that blends symbolism and storytelling, reinterpreting elements of the western genre to delve into an intimate exploration of the human mind. The concept of the mind as a desert evokes imagery of vastness, solitude, and resilience. At its core, the collection centers on the individual's psyche as the protagonist, symbolizing a personal journey and a confrontation with the unknown.
In this narrative, there are no material amulets or charms—only the transcendent attributes we carry within ourselves. It challenges the illusion of what we call luck, placing the reins of destiny firmly in the hands of the individual. After all, luck will kill you.
the mind as a desert
"Joyería Salvaje" is a collection of five unique pieces that blends symbolism and storytelling, reinterpreting elements of the western genre to delve into an intimate exploration of the human mind. The concept of the mind as a desert evokes imagery of vastness, solitude, and resilience. At its core, the collection centers on the individual's psyche as the protagonist, symbolizing a personal journey and a confrontation with the unknown.
In this narrative, there are no material amulets or charms—only the transcendent attributes we carry within ourselves. It challenges the illusion of what we call luck, placing the reins of destiny firmly in the hands of the individual. After all, luck will kill you.